ELYSIA is a DAO LLC owned and operated by EL Token stakers.
Buy EL tokensELYSIA token represents ownership of ELYSIA DAO LLC. and is listed on DEX and CEX with many EL tokens so that anyone interested in ELYSIA and the future can participate in governance.
Real-time price$ 0.0024
Total created7,000,000,000 EL
Total Supply EL
Circulating Supply EL
Insurance Coverage EL
Total staked amount0
Get voting rights(sEL) through staking!To participate in the decision-making process, users must have the right to vote (staked EL, sEL). Users can get the right to vote by staking EL tokens on the EL staking, and they can cast their votes as much as they have.The staking period is until ELYSIA 2.0 opens, and users can unstake at any time.